• Willkommen im Drohnen Forum von DeinDrohnenpilot.de

    Eure Diskussionsplattform zu allen Themen rund um Drohnen. In unseren Foren findest du Hilfe zu Quadrocoptern und Multikoptern von unterschiedlichen Herstellern wie beispielsweise DJI, Parrot, Autel Robotics, Xiaomi und viele Mehr.

    Darüber hinaus erhälst du hier auch alle notwendigen Informationen zu Regelungen und Gesetzen sowie Tipps und Tricks um deine Drohne besser fliegen zu können .

    Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Lesen und Mitdiskutieren!


  1. 1

    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
  2. 2

    Somebody likes you

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  3. 5

    Keeps coming back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  4. 10

    Can't stop!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
  5. 10

    I like it a lot

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
  6. 15

    Seriously likeable!

    Content you have posted has attracted a positive reaction score of 100.
  7. 20


    1,000 messages? Impressive!
  8. 20

    Can't get enough of your stuff

    Your content has been positively reacted to 250 times.
  9. 30

    I LOVE IT!

    Content you have posted has attracted 500 positive reactions.