Liebe Freunde danke für die ausführlichen Infos zum Thema Ladegerät.
Ja mir geht es nur darum das ich, wenn das Ding von HP dann kommt, nicht die Akkuladebox dadurch kaputt geht.
Ob ich nu 1 Akku oder 3 Akkus zusammen lade ist erst mal nicht s wichtig.
In einem anderen Forum schreib ein User folgendes, ich hänge mal den Text mit dran.
Hier war meine Anfrage in dem DJI Forum:
I have a question about the combo charging box (3 batteries) for the Mini2. It says at the back at input 3 volts, 5 volts and 12 volts.
Does that mean that you can connect another USB-C power supply to it, which brings more power and then e.g. to charge 1 or 3 batteries faster?
Would this power supply:
45W USB-C Netzteil Ladegerät HP A045R031L + Frei Ladekabel
Thank you for answer. |
Und hier die Antwort von User "Bashy":
HI, it would, but not at a great speed as looking on, it is only 12v/2a = 24 watts, you want one that's 1 port @ 12v/3a=36w, it doesn't matter if they are more than one port, you need it to be able to
use the full 12v/3a from 1 port, more ports used it will share that power so charging speed will slow down,
such as this
- Input: AC 110-230 V ~ 50/60 Hz, 1.5A Max
- Type C1 output: 5V3A; 9V3A; 12V3A; 15V3A; 20V3.25A; (65 W max)
- Type C2 output: 5V3A; 9V3A; 12V3A; 15V3A; 20V3.25A; (65 W max)
- USB output: 5V3A; 9V3A; 4.5V5A; 5V4.5A; (30W max)
- Type C1 + Type C2 Power: 45W + 18W (65 W max)
- Type C1 + USB output: 45W + 18W (65 W max)
- Type C2 + USB output: 15W + 15W (30W max)
- Type C1 + Type C2 + USB total power: 45W + 10W + 10W (65 W max)
There are other chargers out there but to be fair, this is one of the very few i could find that
has 12v/3a from a single USB-C port
NOTE: I make no guarantees or endorse using 3rd party chargers, but as DJI do not actually do a fast
charger for their product that can actually fast charge, we are left with no alternative but to look for a
3rd party device or stick with snail pace.
PS. having said that, this is the very unit I will be buying myself after you let me know how it goes

seriously though, its on my DJI wanted list, so it is earmarked to be bought, I just have other items
needing priority and there is no hurry has my Note 20 Ultra 5G charger works just the same as the one
above, just that its only a single port
You don't have to charge all three at the same time, that's up to you, but if you use 2 ports, like USB C and USB, USB C will be fast and USB will be normal at 18w.
The charger I found is far better and won't damage it |
Good luck
Ja mal sehen wenn das Ding in den nächsten Tagen kommt.... kann nur hoffen da dadurch nichts die Ladebox kaputt geht, was meint ihr ?
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